
Future Clinic

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Oral Colostrum GcMAF


Oral Colostrum GcMAF Oral Colostrum GcMAF is a food produced from colostrum which contains immune cells and many antibodies and it helps boost the immune system. What is Oral Colostrum GcMAF? What is macrophage? Our GcMAF  Colostrum GcMAF adaptation cases The benefits of colostrum and Oral Colostrum MAF What is colostrum? Colostrum is a form…

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Cancer treatment solutions at Saisei Mirai Destruction of local cancer tissue   + Immunotherapy   Sonophotodynamic therapy High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Saisei Tumor Treating Field Therapy GcMAF Oral colostrum MAF Cheese MAF (MAF Spray) Hyper T/NK cell therapy Coley’s vaccine Autologous cancer vaccine Dendritic cell therapy Supportive therapy High Dose Vitamin C Gene therapy…

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GcMAF (Gc Protein derived Macrophage Activating Factor)


GcMAF (Gc Protein derived Macrophage Activating Factor) GcMAF treatment is a highly effective macrophage activating therapy, used to stimulate the immune system and activate macrophages so that they can destroy cancer cells and other abnormal cells in the body. Background Target diseases Treatment GcMAF immunotherapy: It’s all about activating macrophages to do their work Get…

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Autoimmune disease: Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when one’s system attacks its own tissue. When this attack occurs, fluid builds up in the affected joints, causing pain in the joints and inflammation that is gradual. The disease mostly occurs in the joint of the hands and feet. With time, the…

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Autoimmune disease: Lupus treatment Lupus also referred to as systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systematic chronic autoimmune disorderwhere one’s immune system becomes overactive and attacks healthy body tissues and cells resulting in inflammation and swelling. The responsibility of the immune system is to attack foreign substances in our body and if you are suffering from…

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Overview of osteoarthritis treatment Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease where the cartilage that covers the end of bones in a joint wears off, leading to pain and swelling when moving; in worse cases, the bones break down developing a growth and the broken bits of bone float around the joint. Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease…

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