
Future Clinic

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What is multiple sclerosis stem cell therapy? Multiple Sclerosis is a chloric and unpredictable neurological disorder of the central nervous system which consists of the spinal cord, optical nerves, and brain. The disorder causes dysfunctions of the neurons as a result of myelin destruction (a substance that surrounds body’s nerve cells). Myelin is a fatty…

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Cerebral palsy therapy with stem cells Improvements in the treatment of cerebral palsy using stem cell therapy continue to progress in the right direction. There is no absolute cure available at this moment, and the stem cell program designed by Future Clinic medical center has been developed to improve the conditions and symptoms of children suffering with cerebral…

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Ataxia Stem Cell Therapy Explained Ataxia is a neurological condition that involves a lack of muscle coordination that affects various involuntary muscle functions like walking, swallowing, eye movement or something as simple as picking something up. Ataxia sufferers have problems with their cerebellum. The cerebellum is a part of the brain that brings together motion…

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What is ALS? Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a rare neurological disorder which is mainly related to nerve cells. Our neurons are responsible for muscle movements, like chewing, talking or breathing, just to name a few. It is a severity disease which means it will be increasing over the course of time. The word Amyotrophic…

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Alzheimer’s Treatment with Stem Cells Finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease using stem cell therapy is quickly gaining momentum; regenerative medicine and cell-enriched therapies offer an innovative and effective approach to address the urgent need to cure Alzheimer’s disease or at least improve conditions for patients suffering with this condition. From both family and medical…

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AUTISM STEM CELL THERAPY What is autism? Autism spectrum disorder affects an individual’s ability to communicate and form relationships with other people from early childhood. Autism also affects an individual’s ability to use language as well as abstract concepts. Who is affected by autism? Autism signs/symptoms start showing from age 2, however, a child can…

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